Friday, July 11, 2014

at 2:00 PM Labels: Posted by kayak

Eragon is a young farm boy in the fantasy world of Alagaesia. One day while out hunting, the boy stumbles upon a glowing blue orb that he thinks is a stone. Come to find out, its actually a dragon egg. Eventually, a dragon hatches from the egg and Eragon discovers that he shares a magical bond with the creature. Turns out Eragon has been chosen as a legendary dragon rider, which is a warrior with special magic abilities that flies around on dragons and fights the impending evil thats sweeping across the land at the behest of a ruthless tyrant. Its up to Eragon to save the day by hacking through an army of clones in several linear, uninspired, and mercifully short levels.


1. Unrar
2. Burn or mount
3. Copy cracked executable from crack FLT dir. to install dir.
4. Play


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